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Kindergarten Homework, what to expect?

Homework is a crucial part of your child's active learning process and essential to their academic progress. Please make sure that any homework that is in your child's homework folder is completed daily. 
  • Please remember, you are there to support your child's learning, but homework needs to be completed by your child.  
  • Please sign your child's homework daily.
Kindergarten homework is as follows:
Phonics:  Please review letters and sounds/sight words daily with your child.  
Reading Log: Your child should be reading for 10-15 minutes daily.  You may also read to your child, your child may read to you, or you can read together.  Please make sure to discuss the characters (people or animals in the story), the setting (where and when the story takes place), and what is happening/happened in the story with your child to ensure that they understand what is being read. The more you read the better you get! 
Math: Please complete the assigned Math workbook pages daily. 
Zearn: Please have your child log in for 15-20 minutes daily.
Imagine Language and Literacy/Math: Please have your child log in for 20 minutes on a consistent basis.